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Welcome to:

Lontech Health Defence

Protecting What's Yours Life - Defending The Health Of The Next Generation!

What You'll Find On Our Website:

Electro-Magnetic Frequency radiation (EMF) Shielding Clothing for domestic use

Earthing/Grounding Products

Exercise Equipment

Exclusive Lontech Conductive Grounding Yoga Mat. Stay Grounded & Earthed. Does Not Insulate You From The Earth Like Regular Exercise Mats

Are You New To Earthing & EMF Shielding?

We appreciated that many people are new to Earthing & Electro-Magnetic Frequency (EMF) radiation shielding, if so please read below!

What is Earthing?

Earthing is to have an electrical contact with the earth and your body; directly as in walking barefoot on a sandy beach or  having indirect contact via a conductive earthing mat or bedsheet bedsheet ect.

Why is Earthing Important?

The body uses inflammation to defend and heal itself, but when under constant attack prolonged inflammation can become overwhelming and lead to disease. Many of us are suffering from a multitude of issues where the symptom of inflammation is causing us to be unwell. All diseases that end with the prefix "itis" are diagnosis of inflammation.

Example 1:

Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi in the lungs.

Example 2:

Meningitis is inflammation of the meninges, which are the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. 

Many studies have shown that Earthing can reduce inflammation. 

Learn more...

Use Lontech Earthing products as a part of your natural anti-inflammatory protocol...

Shop for our fitted earthing bed sheets and earthing yoga mat.



What is Electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) radiation shielding?

EMF radiation frequency shielding products are design to reduce the dangers of human exposure to such radiation which is emitted from WIFI, Bluetooth, Smart Devices, Baby Monitors, Laptops, Mobile Phones, Cell Towers, Smart Meters etc.

Why is EMF Shielding Important? 

See below "our cause for concern"

EMF Shielding

Our Cause For Concern!

Studies show man-made EMF radiation harms our most precious things! 

What's At Highest Risk From Man Made EMF Radiation?

1. Reproductive Organs Learn more...
2. Developing Fetus Learn more...
3. Infants and children
4. Brain cells

We Specialise in fashionable EMF Shielding clothes for domestic use for expecting mothers, parents & baby and family planners. Shop for our range now! 


Lontech Health Defence Shop Front


Earthing Grounding



Earthing - Grounding

EMF Shielding

EMF Shielding

EMF Shielding

EMF Shielding

Lontech Active Fitness Tools




    Ltd Addition!

Susupension Trainer Yoga Strap

About Us


Lontech Health Defence "Protecting What’s Yours for Life…"

Lontech Health Defence Ltd was created to bring solutions to the market that will mediate some of the common health challenges that people are facing today, including those which have been accelerated by technology and sedentary lifestyles.

Our mission is to provide practical tools such as our grounding mat and EMF shielding clothes to combat the depletion of vital energy caused by our modern environment. 

Our scope and consideration includes anyone who wants optimum health, especially family planners, young families and those who place high demands on their mind and body.

Our approach to defending your health is pretty simple:

Shield from danger

Keep physically active 

Sleep well 

Work to increase your creativity 

We design, manufacture and produce the Lontech range.

The "health defence tools" that we make come in two categories;

Active, those which you have to use your energy to operate and,

Passive, those that function on their own.

Our EMF shielding clothes (passive) were designed to promote longevity by reducing the exposure to EMF that over-saturate our senses to the point where the body struggles to recover. (Learn more about EMF causing long term potentiation).  

Our active products such as our SSTT-7 were designed to be practical and versatile allowing the user to perform functional calisthenic exercises practically anywhere

Our Earthing and Grounding products are designed to help your body restore, rest and rejuvenate.

We believe that keeping in touch with yourself, the earth and each other is the way forward to restoring good health.

Each product we make has this in the heart of its design.




For centuries we have instinctively felt the benefits of walking bare feet. Modern day city life has left us literally out of touch, disconnected from the "simple bear necessities of life"  Learn about the amazing health benefits you get from using our grounding mat, having skin contact with the earth and the consequences of not getting enough!

Shield Your Barracks Boys!

Keeping your mobile phone in your pocket can damage your reproductive organs and reduce fertility. Learn more about what you can do to protect the troops!

Also find out about risks of EMF exposure during pregnancy.


Mobile Phone Radiation Effects

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